Welcome to the blog!
Welcome to the new Transmission Innovations blog. For our first post, we would like to briefly introduce you to the company and give you a rundown on what you can expect to read from us over the coming weeks and months. Feel free to contribute to the conversation by commenting at the end of each […]
New environmental standard achieved for transmission structures through collaboration between Transmission Innovations and BC Hydro
VANCOUVER, website like this B.C. August 29, doctor 2013. FRP Transmission Innovations Inc., adiposity in collaboration with BC Hydro, is excited to set a new environmental standard for high voltage infrastructure with the installation of a fiber reinforced polymer H-frame structure built for transmission lines. This installation represents a number of important firsts: The first polyurethane cross arm for high voltage […]
What is Composite?
Composite materials are made from two or more constituent materials with different physical or chemical properties which when combined form a material with characteristics different from the individual components. The individual components remain separate and distinct within the finished structure, resulting in a finished product that is stronger, lighter, or less expensive than traditional materials. […]
How to Think Green in the Construction and Maintenance of Transmission Lines
Both private sector and public electrical utility companies are making strides in going green, including in the construction and maintenance of high voltage transmission lines. Why go green Some reasons are practical, like the need for new materials as the supply of high-quality timber becomes more limited; while other reasons take into account preserving the […]
We’re Hiring: Sales Manager
This is a great career opportunity for a Sales Manager with high potential for growth. About the Company FRP Transmission Innovations Inc. (TI) was established five years ago to design and test new fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) products used for power line construction. The company established an alliance agreement with Creative Pultrusions, a leading U.S. pultruded […]
High Quality Timber Supply for Transmission Line Construction
Wood has been a popular material for transmission line construction since its upfront cost is relatively inexpensive when compared to substitutes such as steel and composite material. However, the quantity and quality of timber required for transmission structures continue to decline as a result of environmental degradation and deforestation. As the demand for energy and its infrastructure increases, […]
The State of Current Electric Power Infrastructure
North America relies on an aging electrical grid, some of which originated as far back as the 1880s. Demand for electricity continues to increase and create further need to not only update but expand the grid. Our existing electricity energy infrastructure is composed of: Electricity generation facilities—approximately 5,800 major power plants and numerous other smaller […]
6 Reasons to Try FRP Cross Arms
In an industry with vast infrastructure that is meant to last a quarter-century or more, changes don’t happen overnight when a new technology comes along. At this point, you are probably aware of FRP as an alternative to traditional cross-arm materials like wood or steel. But, why should you start using FRP cross arms in your next […]
The Top 6 Reasons to Choose Composite Utility Poles
We previously introduced our new composite utility poles and their key components. But, what are some of the reasons to choose FRP utility poles over a more traditional material like wood or steel? Here, seek we’ll take a look at just a few of the reasons to choose FRP utility poles. Safety: high dielectric strength […]
How Composite Cross Arms Save Utilities Money
When we looked at the “6 Reasons to Choose FRP Cross Arms” one of our key reasons was Cost Savings. But how exactly can composite cross arms save utility money? And, how much? Here we take a look at just one example of how significant savings can be achieved with FRP cross arms overuse of […]